Yes, we prefer to provide you with a written estimate (also referred to as a quote), so there are no surprises. They are always free! Estimates will not be given over the phone, as every job is as unique as your home.
Since 1998. Formerly known as Abracadabra Window Cleaning, the owner Tim made a decision in 2013 to change the name. This was done for two reasons: First, another Abracadabra Cleaning moved into the area and our customer's were getting confused as to who they were contacting and Secondly, putting the owner's name on the company demonstrated the personal responsibility that he takes in his work.
Yes, we are a fully insured business.
It could be oxidation, hard water stains, or the seals could be worn out.
This depends upon the size of the home, number and condition of the windows. When you book your appointment, you can ask for an estimate of the length of the service call.
Not necessarily, although we will need access to the interior to clean and/or remove screens and the water must be on.
Please make Kosco Window Cleaning aware, if you will not be home, so that proper arrangements can be made for access and payment upon completion of service.
Yes, we offer weekend appointments. If you are interested, please inquire early as they are limited and book quickly.
We are rarely able to offer same day appointments. In the event of an emergency situation, please call for availability. 732-836-1810
No, but be advised that loose paint, bricks, stones, and/or sand/concrete could dislodge. Please advise your technician of any compromised areas before the service begins.
We service residential homes. We use tap water directly from your home, unless products are discussed ahead of the service (for specific application only), we will use only water.
Pressure washing and power washing are terms often utilized interchangeably. Power washing is performed with a machine that utilizes PSI (pressure per square inch) to clean your surfaces.
Good question, there are many power washing machines available to purchase, and of course you could do it yourself.
Hiring a professional is recommended as they are experienced working with different PSI machines, know which is best for your service and can maintain steady pressure and fluidity of movement. This is important in order to not damage surfaces and provide a streak free clean.
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